Cycling shorts

This article was published in 2001, in Newsletter 35.

The City Council recently opened an Environmental Resource Centre. Based in the ground floor of the Guildhall, and packed with information, it is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 2-5 pm, and Fridays, 12 noon-2 pm. We’ve supplied a pile of cycling leaflets, maps and newsletters, so if you can’t get to the Saturday stall, try here instead.


The Cambridge Delivery Route Map has now been published, so that visitors to the city can find their way through the one-way systems and motor traffic restrictions. The city centre is divided into eight named (and colour-coded) areas, and new road signs will help direct drivers. The map is available from the County Council, and online.


The County Council has received government funding to employ a Schools Travel Plan Co-ordinator, who will work to promote alternatives to car use for taking young people to school. This will build on work over the last three years with an alliance of Sixth Form Colleges, independent schools, the local community and bus operators, to tackle traffic problems south of the city by promoting ‘the existing bus network, as well as car sharing, cycling and in some cases walking’.

Safer Routes to School news: In Melbourn, improvements have been made to junctions, and crossing points installed, on routes approaching the village Junior School. A new footpath and access has been provided to the rear of the school grounds to provide access away from passing traffic. Work is in progress at Barrington Primary School. The scheme is primarily aimed at reducing speeds near the school, using ‘soft’ traffic calming such as gateway entry features and red surfacing. The existing 40 mph speed limit will be reduced to 30 mph, and school warning signs with flashing amber lights will be installed. In Girton, work will start in May on a package of road improvements including a new pelican crossing near the village school, side road raised crossing points to aid pedestrian safety, improved lighting and warning signs.

Petersfield Area Community Trust (PACT) has published its Petersfield Streets for People report on the events organised last year (See Newsletter 29). They are now asking the local councils to study the report, and to formally consult local residents on how to make their streets safer and more pleasant. Copies of the report are available, priced £3, from Petersfield Streets for People, c/o 158 New Street, Cambridge, CB1 2QX, or free by email from John Collins,

According to the Peterborough Evening Telegraph, Stamford is trying out a Green Bike scheme based on smartcards.

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GNER have abolished the £3 charge for taking bikes on their trains (that is, from Kings Cross, Stevenage and Peterborough to Yorkshire, the North East and Scotland). You still have to book at the station or by phone on 0845 722 5225. More news about cycle carriage on trains on A to B magazine’s web site.

The March 2001 budget contained two cycling-related items. VAT will be removed from adult cycle helmets from 1 April 2001 ‘to improve road safety and encourage cycle use’, and the income-tax-free mileage rate employees can claim for cycle use for business trips will increase to 20 pence per mile from April 2002.

Clare Macrae