This article was published in 2015, in Newsletter 122.
This year our AGM will be on Tuesday 1 December at the Friends’ Meeting House.
We are in the final stages of confirming our guest speaker and we can assure members that we have a treat in store.
Formal AGM business and elections
Following our guest speaker’s talk we will complete the formal business of the AGM, including elections to the committee. There are currently no motions submitted for the AGM. Any motions must be received by the Chair via our usual contact details by 3 November.
All Campaign members who are present at the AGM can vote in the election of the committee – the Board of Trustees of the Charity -for 2016. All committee posts will be up for election and those standing will have the opportunity to make a short statement to the AGM.
If you want to stand for any of the committee positions, our rules require that you have a proposer who will sign a note of support before the start of the formal business of the AGM. We are particularly keen to get candidates for the posts of Treasurer, Web and New Media Officer and Under 25 Officer. Please join us for this important work. The nomination form can be found at
Hester Wells