Reclaiming Cambridge’s pavements with David Stoughton from Living Streets Cambridge
Living Streets Cambridge was set up in September 2020 as a local branch of the national walking charity. They began with a survey on the conditions for walking in Cambridge and have recently collaborated with Cam Sight and the RNIB on a campaign highlighting the problem of pavement parking. David Stoughton who leads the group talks about its achievements and challenges so far and answers questions from Camcycle members and supporters.
The meeting also includes a round-up of the latest cycling news and campaigns from Camcycle’s Executive Director, Roxanne De Beaux.
It was originally held on our Facebook channel and is also available to view on YouTube.
The next Camcycle meeting will be held online on Tuesday 3 May. Our guest speaker is Filip Watteeuw, Deputy Mayor of Ghent. Filip was the man behind Ghent’s innovative traffic circulation plan and will be talking about how the changes implemented have transformed the city. Could we do something like this for Cambridge? Watch live on our Facebook channel from 7pm.
Links to more information
Living Streets Cambridge
Stumbling Streets
The campaign website for Living Streets Cambridge which includes a ‘Rogues Gallery’ of pavement parking and the ‘See Cambridge’s Streets Differently’ video, made in collaboration with Cam Sight and the RNIB.
Josh Grantham, Camcycle’s new Infrastructure Campaigner
Find out more about Josh on our blog.
Best Streets survey
The latest IPCC report made clear that action is urgent, but we have all the solutions we need and they include more cycling. Help us discover Cambridgeshire’s Best Streets so we find inspiration for the sustainable places of the future.
Big Give Green Match Fund
Our new fundraising campaign launches on Earth Day, Friday 22 April.
Safer rural routes
Read more about the ghost bike we have placed by the A1303.
Annual election survey
Candidate responses for elections in Cambridge City Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council, Huntingdonshire District Council and Peterborough City Council will be uploaded to our annual election page soon to help you ‘vote bike’ on 5 May 2022.
Camcycle magazine
The Spring issue is on the theme ‘Staying Active’.
Camcycle events
The Reach Ride – coming soon!
Find out more about upcoming meetings and events