Announcing the Cambridge Festival of Cycling!
Camcycle is thrilled to announce the 2018 Cambridge Festival of Cycling, which will run throughout the month of September, with events taking place every week. The festival is a celebration of the city’s unique cycling culture and the extensive and inclusive world of cycling. It will reach out to the local community and raise awareness of Camcycle’s vision for more, better and safer cycling for all ages and abilities.
The flagship event will be the Cargo Carnival: a fantastic parade of cargo bikes to showcase the ways cycling can be used to carry people and products in everyday life. Other events include a family cycling event, cycling-to-work conference, a screening of the Dutch film ‘Why We Cycle’ and a Camcycle social ride to Eddington. We have speakers including Alec Seaman from World Bicycle Relief and Kat Jungnickel, author of ‘Bikes and Bloomers’. We will also be running a Cambridge Cycling Survey alongside the festival to investigate current trends in and around Cambridge.
At the beginning of August, we announced the festival at our monthly meeting with a public launch the next day in the Cambridge Independent, with whom we have partnered for the September festival.
We are keen to have members and volunteers involved in the Festival – please get in touch if you’d like to promote an event or get involved by emailing
The intention is that the festival will grow and become an annual event, much like our flagship Reach Ride, raising awareness and connecting with more people who can help support our campaign. The festival will also create opportunities to work more closely with other local groups and help increase our influence in local decision-making.
An event of this size has been a goal of the Campaign for some time and we are excited to finally make it happen. The festival is kindly supported by Cambridge Independent, Cambridge City Council and the Greater Cambridge Partnership. We are also grateful to Power to the Pedal and Outspoken Cycles for their sponsorship and welcome other partnerships from organisations who would like to support our individual events, particularly the cycling-to-work conference. You can keep up-to-date with the latest festival information at or by following @camcyclefest on Twitter.