Bikes at Glastonbury

This article was published in 2010, in Newsletter 91.

Pedal for your smoothies – Blendavenda (who were also at the Bike Fair in Cambridge a few weeks earlier – see article in this Newsletter).
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Both Tim Burford and I went to the Glastonbury Festival, unbeknownst to each other. On returning, we both posted to the CycleStreets photomap some pictures of the many bicycle-related things there.

For those that don’t know, the festival is not just a music festival – a third of the site is a massive green-related area, and there are many stages covering things like cabaret, theatre and so on that are rarely featured on television, plus a massive kids area and all kinds of unexpected happenings and entertainment.

A trishaw being manically driven through the crowds!
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So, by way of a change from our usual ‘on vacation’ features, here is a small selection of bikes at Glastonbury, from myself and Tim!

I suppose it’s a bit much to expect Sheffield Stands on what is normally a farm!.
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Unusual cyclists posing on unusual bikes!
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The Rinky-Dink, a four-person bicycle with a pedal-powered sound system.
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Bicycles powering the sound system on one of the smaller tent stages.
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The Glastonbury ‘Green Police’.
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The Electric Transport Shop was there, in the Green Fields area.
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Police using the most efficient form of transport available (two of only four police I saw throughout the whole event).
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Bike amongst the flags.
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Martin Lucas-Smith