Scope for creative folk

This article was published in 2009, in Newsletter 83.

As you should be able to tell from the quality of this Newsletter, we have an excellent team of writers, copy-editors, proofreaders, designers and photographers, who work hard to enable us to produce a professional-looking publication every two months. But there is always scope for more people to get involved. Articles from people who do not contribute regularly are welcomed and we could use more people who can draw cartoons, or take good photos. We’d also like someone who could go into the County Archives and search their photographic collection for relevant pictures. The Editor would also like to hear from anyone who might be able to help her with the co-ordination of the whole process, with selecting articles and deciding what to include in the Newsletter.

But in particular, we are short of people who can help with design and page layout. We need people to fit all the articles, photos, maps and illustrations together to form a high-quality newsletter. For this task you need to be familiar with page layout software, but it does not matter which one you use, as long as you can produce a high-quality pdf to send to the printers. Good email and internet access are essential. But we have a fabulous new tool, called Ensembling, written for us, which makes collaborating on the Newsletter much easier. If you would like to get involved with producing the Newsletter please contact the Editor, Monica Frisch, by email:


Monica Frisch