This article was published in 2004, in Newsletter 56.
October 2004
Fri 1 | 8:30 am | Newsletter 56 review and planning for 57, over breakfast at Tatties café. |
Sun 3 | Oxford-Cambridge bike ride organised by the British Heart Foundation (not the Campaign). See for details. | |
Sun 3 | Home Farm Trust Sponsored Bike Ride, 20, 30 and 50 mile rides from Orford House, Ugley near Bishops Stortford and Duxford Primary School, Cambridge. (01525) 379830. | |
Tue 5 | 7.30 pm | Monthly open meeting, Friends’ Meeting House, Jesus Lane, at the Park Street junction. (Tea and coffee, a chance to chat, and for us to introduce ourselves to new members for the first half-hour. The meeting proper starts at 8 pm.) |
Wed 6 | 5-7 pm | Free cycle security coding at Cambridge Station Cycles, next to the railway station. The security code is a deterrent to theft and enables bikes to be traced nationally. |
Sun 10 | 1 pm | Leisurely Ride. A countryside ride, at a gentle pace. Meet at Hobbs Pavilion on Parker’s Piece. Back in Cambridge around 5 pm. Please bring your bike lights. |
Mon 18 | 7 pm | Join us for a social gathering at CB2 café 5-7 Norfolk Street. |
Sat 30 | 10-2 | Free cycle security coding at Park Street Cycle Park. The security code is a deterrent to theft and enables bikes to be traced nationally. |
Sun 31 | 1 am | The clocks go back for the end of British Summer Time. Don’t forget your bike lights! |
Tue 2 | 7.30 pm | Annual General Meeting, Friends’ Meeting House, Jesus Lane. This year’s speaker will be David Kemp from Suffolk County Council about ‘Putting innovation into practice.’ See regular meeting description on 5 October. |
Wed 3 | 5-7 pm | Free cycle security coding at Cambridge Station Cycles, next to the railway station. The security code is a deterrent to theft and enables bikes to be traced nationally. |
Sat 6 | Newsletter 57 copy deadline. Please contact the editor if you would like to write an article. | |
Sun 14 | 1 pm | Leisurely Ride. A countryside ride, at a gentle pace. Meet at Hobbs Pavilion on Parker’s Piece. Back in Cambridge around 5 pm. You will need bike lights. |
Mon 15 | 7 pm | Join us for a social gathering at CB2 café 5-7 Norfolk Street. |
Wed 24 | 7.30 pm | Newsletter 57 Envelope Stuffing at the Baby Milk Action offices (for the new address, contact the Campaign). Help very much welcomed! |
Thu 25 | 7 pm | Cycle Parking subgroup. See the article in this newsletter. |
Sat 27 | 10-2 | Free cycle security coding at Park Street Cycle Park. The security code is a deterrent to theft and enables bikes to be traced nationally. |
Wed 1 | 5-7 pm | Free cycle security coding at Cambridge Station Cycles, next to the railway station. The security code is a deterrent to theft and enables bikes to be traced nationally. |
Fri 3 | 8:30 am | Newsletter 57 review and planning for 58, over breakfast at Tatties café. |
Tue 7 | 7.30 pm | Monthly open meeting, Friends’ Meeting House, Jesus Lane. See 5 October for a description. |
Sun 12 | 1 pm | Leisurely Ride. A countryside ride, at a gentle pace. Meet at Hobbs Pavilion on Parker’s Piece. Back in Cambridge around 5 pm. You will need bike lights. |
Mon 20 | 7 pm | Join us for a social gathering and Christmas party at CB2 café 5-7 Norfolk Street. |