Station progress at last?

This article was published in 2002, in Newsletter 45.

Early this year the Cycling Campaign was represented at a ‘Stakeholders’ workshop on the Station Area. The occasion was organised by consultants appointed by Cambridge City Council, who had prepared a planning brief for the site. Before you read this, a public exhibition of the proposals will have been held, and we hope to include a leaflet on the proposals with this Newsletter.

The City Council will be considering these proposals at a planning meeting, probably in January, which, if adopted, will form guidelines for any future planning applications in the area.

Image as described adjacent
There is potential for vastly improved cycle parking.

Over a number of years the Cycling Campaign has been concerned that the potential for improved access for pedestrians and cyclists, along with the opportunity for vastly improved cycle parking, is likely to be lost to the short-term commercial gain of office and shop development. It seems our fears may be realised.

It also appears that the proposed ‘Design Framework’, as it is called on the leaflet, takes little account of items in the Cambridgeshire Local Transport Plan. The LTP annual progress report, Appendix 4 ‘Cambridgeshire Rail Strategy’, gives high priority to additional platforms for Cambridge, yet although developments opposite the station (the Leica site) include areas reserved for future access to the station, there is no such provision in the published design framework.

I think we should be more than disappointed at the lack of progress. We may have to work hard to prevent commercial interests barring the way to significantly improved cycling access and parking.

We also need to try and get short term improvements now. We’ve been promised ‘jam tomorrow’ for too long.

If you are a user of the railway station, however infrequently, please support our actions: lobby your Councillors for improvements, both short term and long term.

Our vision was explained in a letter following the workshops earlier this year and is available at:

Jim Chisholm

Image as described adjacent
The Leica site off Rustat Road is already being redeveloped.