Fulbourn Old Drift

This article was published in 2002, in Newsletter 40.

Map of Fulbourn Old Drift

We’ve reported several times on plans to spend money expected from the development of the Tesco store at Fulbourn, which opened more than three years ago. This time it really looks as if something might happen.

There have been endless problems: disputes with Tesco over the money, excuses about solicitors being off sick for months, an unmarked graveyard in the way. Now it seems it has to happen in a hurry or the money will be lost.

The original plan, to build a path alongside the railway from behind Fulbourn Hospital, had all but been abandoned, and we were asked last year for alternative suggestions. We provided a long list. However, a fatality on the railway crossing has caused the original plans to be reinstated. We have now been consulted on these.

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Access needs to be provided to the Capital Park development In order to make sufficient room alongside the Cambridge to Newmarket railway line the existing wall will be demolished. We hope more direct access from Fulbourn to Tesco will be provided.

The plan looks fine as far as it goes. The scheme will improve access to Tesco, remove the need to dismount at the level crossing, and give a smoother and more straightforward ride. The main areas of concern are about supporting arrangements, like access to the new Capital Park offices on the hospital site and how the route crosses Yarrow Road (the Cherry Hinton bypass) to link up with routes to Cherry Hinton. All of these things were on our list of suggestions. However, as all of the money is likely to be needed to build the proposed path, the chances of providing (for example) a signalled crossing from the same budget are remote.

David Earl