This article was published in 1998, in Newsletter 21.
Following the October AGM I’ve taken over from Paula Watson as Stall Officer, organising the Campaign’s Saturday stall outside the Guildhall. I’m looking for more volunteers to join our Stall Team. If you can spare an hour between 10 am and 2 pm every few weeks to help on the stall, please get in touch with me by phone or e-mail to discuss what is involved. The more volunteers I can find, the less often I will have to contact you, so if you’re already a volunteer, perhaps you could tell other members what it’s like. We won’t leave you on your own: someone experienced will be on duty as well. It’s a very simple way for the Campaign to get feedback on what we’re doing and to keep in touch with the issues of concern to cyclists, pedestrians and motorists within Cambridge. We’ve been interactive right from the start! Think of the Stall as a free advert in one of the busiest parts of Cambridge every Saturday.
We don’t operate if it’s pouring with rain, so don’t let the weather put you off! As well as answering questions about the Campaign and giving out leaflets and membership forms, we sell sweatshirts, T-shirts and Campaign mugs (oh, and we also direct people to the Tourist Information Centre). The Committee is currently working on a FAQ (frequently asked questions) list.
Can’t spare an hour? I’d also like a few volunteers who can help occasionally for ten minutes at 10 am and again at 1 pm or 2 pm to help get the stall table and leaflets, etc. (tidily) back into the shed on the corner of King Street and Manor Street where they are stored (thanks to Debby). If you have any ideas about how we can improve the Saturday stall, please contact me.
Sarah Elsegood