This article was published in 2018, in Newsletter 139.
Social ride to Eddington
Saturday 1 September
This year the Camcycle summer social is a leisurely ride suitable for all ages and abilities, which will launch the 2018 Cambridge Festival of Cycling.
Meeting outside the Guildhall at 11am, we’ll cycle through the historic city centre and along the traffic-free West Cambridge path to the Brook Leys nature area in Eddington. Bring a picnic and enjoy a coffee or ice cream from cargo bike traders. An optional guided ride returns to Cambridge at 2pm via Storey’s Way.
From the most experienced cyclists to those new to cycling in Cambridge, all are welcome – do join us and bring your friends!
Monthly meeting
Tuesday 4 September
Guest speaker Alec Seaman from World Bicycle Relief will talk to us about the power of bicycles and how the Buffalo Bicycles his charity provides to people in rural and emerging regions of the world help break down the distance barriers to education, healthcare and economic opportunity.
Film: ‘Why we cycle’
Friday 14 September
To the Dutch, cycling is as normal as breathing. Perhaps that is the key to the bicycle’s success in the country. But because the Dutch don’t usually give cycling a second thought, they don’t really know what the deeper needs of cyclists are. In the documentary ‘Why we cycle’ the filmmakers take a ride with ordinary cyclists and specialists from a variety of disciplines and uncover some obvious and hidden effects of cycling on people, on societies, and on the organisation of cities. The film will be screened at the new Storey’s Field Centre in Eddington. Doors open at 7pm. Find out more at
Family cycling event
Saturday 15 September
We’ll be bringing a variety of family cycling experts, children’s cycles and cargo cycles and equipment for carrying children to The Grove School on Campkin Road from 3-6pm for a new event to share knowledge and experiences of family cycling. The event will include talks, an opportunity for questions and lots of chances for testing of cycles and kit. Speakers confirmed so far include the organiser of a family cycling library in London, a family cargo bike retailer and the cargo-biking mum of a child with special needs. Find out more at
Cargo carnival!
Saturday 22 September
Roll up, roll up, for the stupendous, amazing, incredible Cargo Carnival! Join our happy parade of cyclists as you show the city of Cambridge what can be carried on a bike – from children to carpentry tools and pizza to puppies!
Meeting at 11am, we’ll take a short ride through the city centre to Lammas Land where we’ll pull up for a small festival of cargo traders and cargo bike specialists. If you’re a trader and you’d like to be involved, it’s not too late! Get in touch at
Everyone else, round up your friends! Load up your cargo, decorate your bikes and let’s have one fantastic celebration on wheels!
For the latest details, visit
Bikes and Bloomers
Saturday 29 September
One of the highlights of our Cambridge Festival of Cycling will be guest speaker Dr Kat Jungnickel, author of ‘Bikes and Bloomers’. Join Dr Jungnickel, Camcycle and the Cambridge Ladybirds Women’s Institute for a cycle ride and discussion and tea and cake. There will even be examples of the extraordinary cycle wear for guests to try! Details coming soon at