This article was published in 2016, in Newsletter 129.
Camcycle has been working with local artists to produce four greetings cards for sale. The cards are themed around cycling in Cambridge, and are blank inside. While they can be used all year round, they will also be perfect for the festive season. You can support Camcycle by buying them – the cards will be available for purchase at Camcycle events, including the monthly meetings, from the Camcycle online store, from the Bike Depot at 140 Cowley Road and from local retailers. We hope to print more greetings cards in the future, perhaps focussing on photography for the next set – so get your camera out and do let us know if you have any images which you would like to submit for selection!
Naomi Davies is a genealogist as well as an artist. Of her artwork, she says: ‘I do quick bold sketches in ink, and then often complete with watercolours. I especially love to draw what I see when engaging in my other hobbies, such as drinking coffee and watching cycle racing.’ Bicycles are a common theme in much of Naomi’s work. ‘A bike is a beautiful object, and for me is the symbol of our amazing city. Cycling has always been very popular with my family, so I cheekily incorporated some family members into my Camcyle design.’
Roxana de Rond is a Cambridge-based illustrator. ‘I started by making cards as I found it easier to say what I wanted with a picture rather than in words. I love illustrating things that are everyday but special, like walking the dog, coffee with a friend, or cycling on a sunny afternoon.’ Her work is often humorous and reflects aspects of Cambridge life. Roxana says: ‘I was very happy to submit a picture for this project. I love Cambridge scenes, and cycling is such a big part of Cambridge life. It is great that volunteers at Camcycle are championing safer paths for cyclists.’
Sam Motherwell has never owned a car and always uses a bicycle to get around Cambridge. He is very interested in promoting safer cycling. As well as working as a computer specialist doing chemistry research at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, Sam has maintained an active interest in art, and joined the Cambridge Drawing Society in 1976. He says: ‘I work mostly in graphic style, with pen, ink and charcoal. I prefer to work on the spot, with very little amendment or “fiddling”. Sometimes I add colour by collage or pastel.’ He is a figurative artist, well-known for his drawings and prints of his local patch, Mill Road.
Alex Prewett is a freelance illustrator and a recent graduate of Cambridge School of Art. He says ‘I create bold and fun work focusing on character design and storytelling.’ He combines his art career with working at Urban Larder on the Broadway, Mill Road, where he has been responsible for design.
Cathy Parker