This article was published in 2012, in Newsletter 104.
As part of the restructuring of the Office of Economy, Transport and Environment at Cambridgeshire County Council, the team responsible for cycling is to be enlarged. The Cycling Projects Team sits within the Major Infrastructure Delivery Team headed by Bob Menzies.
Mike Davies has been appointed ‘Team Leader – Cycling Projects’ and he will be supported by a Project Manager and Patrick Joyce who remains as County Cycling Officer. New posts within the team include a Cycling Promotions Officer, a Project Officer and an Engineering Technician. There are also two Sustrans Bike It Officers: John Stanley covering Ely and Cambridge, and Stuart Duncan covering St Neots, Huntingdon and St Ives. Clare Rankin from Cambridge City Council is seconded for 12 hours a week to work as a Project Officer on the ‘Bike Friendly Cities’ European project.
The new team is responsible for all matters relating to cycling county-wide including the identification, development and delivery of cycling schemes and initiatives. Current funding streams include Local Sustainable Transport Fund, Bike Friendly Cities, Section 106, Ashden Awards prize money and Local Transport Plan funds directed towards market towns. In addition, a bid is currently being compiled for the Department for Transport’s Cycle Safety Fund to improve or allow cyclists to avoid the most dangerous junctions. The team is also responsible for Bikeability. This is being offered free to Year 6 children across the County, and is being delivered by Outspoken.
The team will continue to engage closely with cycling groups and other local stakeholders, to encourage more people cycling, more safely, more often, across Cambridgeshire.
Jim Chisholm