Below is a Freedom of Information request we have been forwarded. The response is that of the County Council.
Thank you for your email dated the 31 October 2006.
With regards to the Gonville Place Toucan Crossing:
- The work began on the 15 May 2006 and was estimated to last for 3 weeks
- The installation was completed on the 30 June 2006 with no outstanding items to complete. The extra time required to complete the works was due to unforeseen circumstances on site. When working on the Highway and with different contractors it is not unusual to discover problems until works are started on site.
- The cost of works was originally £34,083.84 with £10,000 being available from section 106 monies and £24,083.84 used from the traffic signal refurbishment budget
- The actual cost of the project totalled to £35,365.54. The over spend occurred due to unforeseen adjustments, which were necessary on site after the works had started.
- There have currently been no complaints to the standard of work carried out at this site although during construction there had been a complaint with the traffic management on site. However a number of complaints from an active cyclist group have been received as to the layout of the crossing and the use of certain standard equipment, which has culminated in a 500+ petition which has been submitted to the Cambridge Transport Area Joint Committee. This includes the use of nearside pedestrian display units, the removal of advanced cycle detection loops, why the previous crossing had been re-designed to provide a standard Toucan crossing, width of crossing.
I hope this answers your query, and please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.