Weekly update – 4th August
A short update this week as we know many of our members are on holidays. Perhaps you are travelling somewhere with great examples of cycling infrastructure or you are having having a wonderful cycling adventure. If so, please take some pictures and perhaps think about writing something for our newsletter. Don't forget to look out for the latest edition for some holiday reading.
- How would you improve Cambridge Station Cycling?
- Camcycle Summer Social
- Consultations and planning applications
How would you improve Cambridge Station Cycling?
While the CB1 development is not yet complete, it's clear that there are significant issues for cycling. Camcycle members are discussing how they would fix the public space and cycling routes to, through and around the new station development. What would you recommend? Cyclescape 3427.
Camcycle Summer Social
Our Summer Social will be at the Haymakers on Chesterton High Street 12 August from 2pm. All day pizzas and plenty of bike parking. All welcome!
Consultations and planning applications
Mill Road Depot – We are concerned about the amount of car parking proposed for this development and have asked for a meeting with developers. Learn more at Cyclescape 1912 and https://www.millroad-development.co.uk/.
Cambridge North Station – A new office building (S/2403/17/FL) and hotel (S/2372/17/FL) threaten the loss of the new cycle ways and have insufficient cycle parking. We've submitted an objection. Cyclescape 3342 and Cyclescape 3338.
Whittlesford new development of 18 houses, 83 Moorfield Road (S/2584/17/RM) – We are concerned about the lack of cycle parking for this entire development as well as implications for National Cycle Network route 11. Cyclescape 3423.
Melbourn new development of 199 houses, east of New Road (S/2590/17/RM) – Initial review of this application suggests problems with cycle parking and the layout/access throughout the site. We need someone familiar with the area to review. Cyclescape 3422.
160 Chesterton Road new development of 41 apartments (17/1032/FUL) -This car free development has only one cycle space per apartment which will not be enough. We will object and recommend more cycle parking. Cyclescape 3413.
See our campaign diary online.
Fri 11th: Mill Road Depot Consultation ends.
Sat 12th: Camcycle Social. The Haymakers. 2pm
Sun 27th: Newsletter copy deadline. Email editor@camcycle.org.uk
Tue 5th: Monthly Meeting – 7:30pm Friends' Meeting House, Jesus Lane
Using Cyclescape
If you are having issues accessing the Cyclescape discussions please see the guidance here. Existing Camcycle members will need to register for Cyclescape the first time they use it.