Weekly Update 2nd September
Thanks for reading our weekly update. News items this week:
- Monthly Meeting 6th September
- Chisholm Trail Local Liaison Forum
- Bikes vs Cars screening
- Stow Cum Quy to Lode
- Histon and Impington cycle parking improvements
Monthly Meeting 6th September
Our next monthly meeting will be on September 6th at the Friend's Meeting House. Refreshments from 7:30pm with the meeting starting at 8pm sharp.
Our main theme for the meeting will be the Chisholm Trail and Jim Chisholm will be on hand to take us through the details of the Chisholm Trail phase one planning application.
We need a chair, minute taker and a few other volunteers for the meeting. Please get in touch if you can help (not restricted to trustees/committee members).
Chisholm Trail Local Liaison Forum
We encourage our members and supporters of the Chisholm Trail to attend the Chisholm Trail Local Liaison Forum on the 5th of September at 6pm.
More information about the Liaison Forum can be read on Cyclescape.
Bikes vs Cars screening
A screening of Bikes vs Cars at The Arts Picturehouse, Cambridge, 9:00pm on Monday 12th September.
The film explores how the bike can be an amazing tool for change in a world facing climate and resource crisis. Find out more at the film's website and reserve your ticket at online. Thanks to CTC Cambridge for tipping us to this interesting looking event.
Consultations we are working on
Stow Cum Quy to Lode
Cambridgeshire County Council are consulting on this long awaited link.
There are a number of weaknesses in the design of this cycle path which undermine its potential as a cycle route. A path is only as useful and safe as its weakest link. The 2.5m shared space width is insufficient and there are dangerous crossings over 40mph roads at each end. We support the idea of this trail but will be responding and asking for significant improvements. We encourage members to do so as well.
You can find the details of the planning application on the County Council site or join our conversation on Cyclescape.
Histon and Impington cycle parking improvements
We've responded to the Histon & Impington Parish Council consultation which asked for suggestions on where to put additional cycle parking.
We provided a list of possible locations and referred to our cycle parking design standards for further guidance. You can read our full response and suggested locations on our blog.
Don't forget these consultations:
Chisholm Trail Phase 1 planning application
Cowley Road access to the Science Park Station
Histon and Impington Local Highways Projects 2017 (Closes 15th September)
Ross Street Cycle Parking (Closes 12th September)
City Deal Peak Time congestion proposals (Closes 10th October)
Upcoming events
See our campaign diary online
5th September, 6:00 PM: Chisholm Trail and Abbey-Chesterton Bridge Local Liaison Forum
6th September: Monthly Campaign Meeting – We will be discussing the Chisholm Trail planning application
4th October: Monthly Campaign Meeting – Our guest speaker will be Nic Fox from Velo Sister
1st November: Monthly Campaign Meeting
6th December: Annual General Meeting
In the News
Don't forget to read this week’s 'Life in the cycling lane' written by our Chair, Robin Heydon for Cambridge News.
Using Cyclescape
If you are having issues accessing the Cyclescape discussions please see the guidance here. Existing Camcycle members will need to register for Cyclescape the first time they use it.