Windsor Road safety improvements: summer 2024 update

What’s happening at Windsor Road?

Back in 2021, we were concerned to see that a county council scheme of safety improvements for the Oxford Road and Windsor Road area included proposals to install new exclusionary barriers across the junction with the active travel passageway to Warwick Road. Thanks to the help of our supporters, this part of the scheme was put on hold while an improved solution was developed in collaboration with local councillors and residents. The latest update to this design is being presented this week at a public meeting at Mayfield Primary School.

2024 design proposal for the Windsor Road junction with the Warwick Road cut-through

What does the new proposal include?

  • A narrowing of the carriageway and the introduction of a paved raised table, both designed to slow down vehicles which are using Oxford Road and Windsor Road as a shortcut to avoid the busy Huntingdon Road/Histon Road/Victoria Road junction.
  • Refreshed signage and road markings and the addition of new dropped kerbs and tactile paving at three key crossing points (two across the arms of Windsor Road, and one across Oxford Road).
  • Removal of the current metal fencing at the end of the passageway to help reduce conflict between people walking and cycling and provide more space for those using mobility aids or larger cycles such as cargo bikes or trailers. This will be replaced by two shorter sections of side fencing, a small planter to help slow and direct cycle traffic and some children’s road safety graphics to remind younger walkers and cyclists of the presence of the busy road.

What does Camcycle think of the new scheme?

Camcycle supports the changes to the Oxford/Windsor Road junction as they will improve safety for all road users. This route is an important part of the city’s signed cycle network, offering a quiet option for those seeking to avoid main roads as well as providing a popular cut-through for pedestrians. Owing to the dimensions and layout of the passageway cut-through, various compromises have had to be made, but we think the new design will improve journeys and reduce conflict in this area and ensure it is accessible for all.

The Windsor Road junction shown on the Cambridge cycle map
Close-up of the Cambridge cycle map showing the Windsor Road junction, part of the blue and brown marked cycle routes.

We still support the further improvement of a modal filter on Windsor Road (at the location of the current road narrowing), as that option would eliminate the vehicles using this route as a rat run while maintaining full access for local residents. The reduction in traffic would hugely benefit safety in the area, particularly at the busy drop-off and pick-up times for the nearby school and nursery.

What can I do to support this scheme?

If you can, please go along to the council’s drop-in and/or public meeting on Tuesday 11 June in the Small Hall at Mayfield Primary School.

3.30pm to 6pm: Public Drop-in Session.
A time where the public can have informal discussions with officers, asking questions and sharing their feedback.

6-7.30pm: Public meeting.
Officers will give an overview of the current proposals followed by time for a question & answer session and a chance for attendees to share their feedback.

If you are unable to attend the event, you can also share your views by email to the Cambridgeshire County Council Officer Vanessa Kelly at